Publications, Training & Talks

Below are details of:

Academic Publications

These publications relate to my role as Digital Humanities Manager (and previously, Research Technologist for Humanities & Social Sciences) at NUI Galway:

  • Kelly, David (2022), “RECIRC: The reception and Circulation of Early Modern Women’s Writing, 1550-1700“, conference presentation as part of the panel: “Reimagining Renaissance Ireland: A Digital Humanities Showcase“, The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Dublin, 2022.
  • Tonra, Justin and David Kelly. “Biometric Poetics: The Case of Eververse.” Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, no. 24, 2021. doi:10.20415/hyp/024.e04
  • Tonra, J., Davis, B., Kelly, D., Khawaja, W. (2018), “Poetry in Motion: Quantified Self Data and Automated Poetry Generation.” Presented at:
  • Stansbury, M., Kelly, D (2018), “The Future of Collaboration“, at Digital Cultures, Big Data and Society Symposium, 15-16 February 2018, Royal Irish Academy & UCD Humanities Institute
  • Kelly, D., Tonra, J., Reid, L. (2017), “Personæ: A Character-Visualisation Tool for Dramatic Texts“, in Digital Humanities 2017 Conference, 8 – 11 August, Montreál, Canada. View Presentation Slides and Abstract.
  • Coolahan, M.-L., Kelly, D. (2017), “Digital Representation and Analysis of Reception, Circulation and Intertextual Relationships: Impact and Early Modern Women’s Writing“, as part of panel: “Only Connect!: Intertextuality, Circulation, and Networks in Digital Resources for Women’s Writing”, in Digital Humanities 2017 Conference, 8 – 11 August, Montreál, Canada. View Panel Abstract.
  • Kelly, D., Tonra, J., Reid, L. (2017), “Patterns of character & structure in Shakespeare: Exploring approaches to data visualisation“, Other Codes/Cóid Eile Conference, 11-12 May, Galway, Ireland. View Presentation Slides
  • Barr, R., Kelly, D., Tonra, J. (2014), “Ossian Online: Crowdsourcing Annotation and the Social Edition“, Poster Presentation, Experimental Interfaces for Reading 2.0, 18-20 Sept, Chicago, USA.

These publications relate to earlier research on IT Standards adoption for Ambient Intelligence, and Open Source Software.

  • Feller, J., Finnegan, P., Kelly, D., MacNamara, M. (2006) “Developing Open Source Software: A Community Based Analysis of Research“, in International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP WG 8.2), Volume 208, Social Inclusion: Societal and Organizational Implications for Information Systems, eds. Trauth, E., Howcroft, D., Butler, T., Fitzgerald, B., DeGross, J., Boston: Springer, pp. 261-278.

Reports & Other Publications

  • Feller, J., Finnegan, P., Kelly, D., MacNamara, M. (2005) “Initial Characterisation and Roadmap of Libre Software Development“, Deliverable 1.1, European Commission Report for IST Project Number 04337, CALIBRE (Co-ordination Action for Libre Software Engineering for Open Development Platforms for Software and Services).

Exhibition & Performance

Supervision & Teaching

  • Lecturing: “Digital Analytics and Visualisation for Arts & Humanities” module on the:
  • MSc project supervision: “Chatbot Based Database Interaction for the Digital Humanities using Hybrid Entity Recognition and Interactive Visualisations“, Ajith Sreekumar, MSc in Data Analytics at NUI Galway, 2018. The project was co-supervised with Dr Matthias Nickles.
  • Creating Interactive Data Visualisations, lab sessions (12 x 2 hour sessions) as part of the MSc in Data Analytics programme’s Data Visualisation module, Semester 2, 2017 – 2018, NUI Galway.

Workshops & Training Delivered

Guest lectures, invited talks & presentations

  • Speaker: “Immersive Empathy: Co-Creating Immersive Narratives on Home and Homelessness”, invited talk at “Voices from History – Inspiring and Creative Uses of Oral History“, Oral History Network of Ireland, 22 August, 2024, Cork City Library.
  • Pitch Presentation: “Community development and mapping the needs of the Research Software Engineering Arts & Humanities community”, UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association 2024 Annual Event, 4 – 5 June 2024, University College Cork.
  • Panellist: “Research Software Engineering in the Arts and Humanities (RSE AH) Community Interest Group of the UK-IE Digital Humanities Association“, RSECon23 – The Seventh Annual Conference for Research Software Engineering, Swansea, UK, 5-7 September, 2023.
  • Participant & Hackathon Contributor: “From Archives to Databases: The Comédie-Française Registers Project: Past Perspectives, Prospective Pathways”, International Conference, Paris, 1 – 3 June, 2023.
  • Panellist: “The future of digital innovation & creative technologies in Arts and Humanities research at University of Galway” (2023), as part of the event: “Digital Innovation & Creativity in Arts and Humanities Research“, hosted by the Moore Institute, University of Galway, 22nd March, 2023.
  • Interactive Data Visualisation for Digital Health – guest lecture for MSc Digital Health (Executive Education), Cork University Business School, UCC, February 2019.
  • Interactive Data Visualisation, guest lecture on the MSc Environmental Leadership (Communicating Science and Research module), Geography / Ryan Institute, NUI Galway, March, 2019.
  • “Building Digital Projects”, Guest Lecture as part of the module “Digital Literature, Arts and Creative Practice”, MA in Digital Cultures, NUI Galway, October, 2018.
  • Data Visualisation – Research Project Experiences & Tools, Guest Lecture, Executive MBA at the J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics (Data Analytics module), NUI Galway, March 2018
  • Introduction to Data Visualisation, guest lecture, 3rd Year, BBS (Business Information Systems), GMIT, March, 2018
  • Interactive Data Visualisation for Digital Health – guest lecture for MSc Digital Health (Executive Education), Cork University Business School, UCC, February 2018
  • Interactive Data Visualisation, guest lecture on the MSc Environmental Leadership (Communicating Science and Research module), Geography / Ryan Institute, NUI Galway, February, 2018
  • Data Visualisation & Management – Experiences & Lessons, Invited Presentation, BuSK research project partners, May, 2017, NUI Galway, Ireland.

Invited Workshop Participation

  • Enabling Digital Scholarship: present and future workshop, December, 2017 at Wolfson College, Oxford, co-hosted by the Centre for Digital Scholarship at Oxford University, and the Wolfson Digital Research Cluster. (Invited participant)

Event Organisation, Volunteering & Community Development

  • Organising Committee Member: UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association 2024 Annual Event – “Inclusivity across Sectors”. 

  • Co-organiser: “Immersive Empathy: Exploring the impact of immersive environments in the context of homelessness and precarious housing(December, 2019) – a two-and-a-half day interdisciplinary workshop funded by through the Irish Research Council’s Creative Connections programme, and hosted at the Moore Institute, NUI Galway. The workshop focused on exploring the use of Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality immersive experiences with community groups engaged with homelessness or precarious housing in the Western Region. Of particular interest is the impact of such experiences on empathy levels amongst participants from the general population.

  • Co-organiser: “Future Landscapes Workshop: Enhancing Seen & Unseen Landscapes with Mixed Reality” (May, 2019) – an intensive four-week program created in a collaboration between the Moore Institute at NUI Galway, Galway 2020 and the School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe, based in Berlin. The aim of the workshop is to allow participants to develop the skills to explore the use of immersive technologies, such as Virtual and Augmented Reality, within the context of Landscape, both seen and unseen.
  • Co-organiser: “Visual Analytics Summer School” (June, 2019) – a one-week summer school aimed at providing students, researchers, academics and industry professionals with an opportunity to come together to learn, share experiences and to develop new cross-disciplinary partnerships. Organised as a collaboration between the Moore Institute at NUI Galway, the Insight Centre for Data Analytics, and LERO – the Irish Software Research Centre.
  • Organiser: “Creative Coding Meet-up(2018, 2019), a weekly meet-up for those interested in developing their coding skills, and exploring the area of Creative Coding. Run at the Moore Institute, NUI Galway.
  • Organiser: “Collections as Data” hackathon (2017) at the Moore Institute, NUI Galway. Funded by DARIAH Ireland and the Irish Research Council. Participants worked with digital archives and data collections drawn from humanities research in small cross-discipline groups of researchers and practitioners over two days to explore and create. Those taking part were drawn from arts & humanities research, software engineering and design / art backgrounds.
  • Co-organiser: “Arts, Humanities & Innovation – Connecting with Industry (2017) – a series of talks featuring speakers from industry, aimed at developing links between researchers in the Arts and Humanities, and industries practitioners. This series culminated in a 1-day event entitled “Taking the next step post-PhD/Masters: Career development beyond academia“, featuring speakers from multi-national technology companies, local startups, and the research community.
  • Member of the Commercial Feedback Panel (2017) for Creative Steps product innovation module, as part of the Creative Momentum Project (Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme)
  • Co-producer of A Tribal Vision ( (2015-2016): A weekly interview series, published online, with some of the most culturally-inspiring people in Galway who talked about their work, inspirations & their cultural vision for the city.
  • Mentor at CoderDojo (2015): Teaching children to code in a new CoderDojo in Galway City.
  • Co-organiser of CodeNinja (2012, 2014 & 2017): CodeNinja is a student app development competition. It was designed to train and encourage students to be creative in the cultivation of their own tech ideas. It was open to both individuals and groups that want to build web and mobile applications. It was aimed at students in both NUI Galway, and Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology.
  • Industry Mentor on the “Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise” module for Final Year Commerce Students (2012, 2013) at the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economic, NUI Galway. This involved advising groups of students undertaking a year-long enterprise project on their product innovations.
  • Co-organiser of Demobar Galway – (2011) (no longer online): Demobar was an informal event for people to see demonstrations of web-based applications, iPhone, iPad & mobile apps, and have a beer with the people behind these local companies.
  • Co-organiser of 091MarketingHackers (2011): This was an event which brought together a group of Galway-based companies looking to hire people that will drive sales & marketing for their web / mobile apps. More from ​ (no longer online)
  • Co-organiser at Bizcamp Galway (2010 & 2011): One of the team responsible for bringing Bizcamp to Galway for the first time. Bizcamp Galway brought together over 200 entrepreneurs for a day of networking & learning, with a schedule of talks by 33 speakers.