The aim of these visualisations was to explore the extent of Airbnb's presence in Galway. Details of the data used are available below.

Number of nights to pay the rent

The interactive map shows the number of nights properties in different areas need to be rented through Airbnb to cover an owner's monthly rent.

Airbnb properties in Galway City & County

Airbnb properties in Galway
Approximate locations of 2290 Airbnb rentals in Galway, June, 2016.

A close-up of Galway City

Airbnb properties in Galway City
Approximate locations of Airbnb rentals in Galway, June, 2016.

Full House/Apartment vs Room-only Rentals

Airbnb gives people the option of renting either a room in their house, or their full house or apartment.

Airbnb Rooms in Galway
Approximate locations of Airbnb rooms in Galway, June, 2016.
Airbnb Full House/Apt in Galway
Approximate locations of Airbnb Full House/Apt rentals in Galway, June, 2016.

Alongside Vacancy Rates

The 2011 Census gathered data on property vacancy rates (see Galway Dashboard's - Housing Stock section for data on this). The visualisation below shows these vacancy rates alongside the Airbnb data - I was curious to see if there were concentrations of properties in areas with high vacancy rates.

Airbnb properties in Galway with CSO Vacancy Rates
Approximate locations of Airbnb rentals in Galway (June, 2016), with 2011 Census Property Vacancy Rates.


This research was undertaken for non-commercial, personal purposes. The raw data collected in the course of this work is not being re-published.

It was inspired by a number of projects looking at Airbnb in various locations:

Public data was collected using software developed by Tom Slee. There is a discussion of this methodology, and the approach's accuracy and completeness on his website.

Airbnb anonymises the location of individual properties by moving the location by up to 200m - location points on the maps are approximate.

This work is for information purposes only. Any errors or omissions are unintentional.

Made in Galway